Industrial Automation
Information for the Candidates according to Articles 13 and 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 and to the Italian harmonization legislation
According to Articles 13 and 14 European Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter also “GDPR”) and to the Italian harmonization legislation, we point out that the biographical data of the person concerned are collected and processed by TECHNOLOGY BSA S.p.A., as Holder of the treatment (hereinafter “Holder” or “Technology BSA”), and, for this reason, the company wants to provide the information about the treatment of your data.
1. Purposes of data processing
Technology BSA informs you that the company will process the data you provide and the curriculum vitae you may have enclosed with the purpose of research and selection of the personnel also by sending service communications or announcements concerning new positions.
2. Legal basis and data transfer
The data transfer is facultative, but the failure to communicate the data will imply the impossibility for the application to be taken into consideration.
The treatment is necessary for the execution of a contract of which the person concerned is one of the parties or for the execution of pre-contractual measures taken by request of that person (Art. 6, paragraph 1 letter b) of the GDPR).
3. Sensitive data
In case the CV contains certain details (i.e. data suitable to reveal the inclusion in protected categories), Technology BSA S.p.A. will treat only the data useful to evaluate the professional aptitudes in the limits within which the acquisition of such information is strictly indispensable to start an employment relationship.
4. Subjects performing the data treatment and communication
The treatment will be performed by employees of Technology BSA S.p.A. as Managers and Subjects in charge of the treatment belonging to HR corporate function.
Your data, including the special ones you may have indicated in the format and/or in the C.V., can be disclosed and treated by Technology BSA S.p.A. and by reliable companies who might be appointed to select the CV, the evaluation of the applications, the performance of interviews, the performance of pre-selective and/or individual interviews, and similar operations.
Their list is constantly updated and is available on request by sending a communication to the address provided or an e-mail to
Your data will not be transferred abroad and will not be object of any disclosure.
5. Methods of treatment
The data processing can be performed through both computer supports and paperwork.
Your personal data and your CVs will be stored by the Holder of the Treatment, in full observance of the principles of necessity, minimization, limitation of the conservation, by adopting organizational and technical measures appropriate for the level of risk of the treatments, for a period of time not exceeding 3 years and then they will be cancelled.
The Holder reserves the right to treat personal data for a further time in case of complaints and possible litigations.
6. Rights of the person concerned
In relation to the data treatment, you will have the right to exercise the rights provided for by Articles from 15 to 22 of the European Regulation 2016/679, (reproduced in abbreviated form at the end of this policy). To exercise you rights you can contact the Holder of the treatment by sending a written communication to the address indicated or an e-mail to
7. Holder and Manager of the treatment
Holder of the treatment is Technology BSA S.p.A., with legal address in Via Lungo Serio, 17 – 24050 Grassobbio (BG), Italia
The Representative of the Holder is the CEO of Technology BSA S.p.A.
You can forward any request to the subjects indicated by sending a written communication to the above address or an e-mail to
Articles from 15 to 22 of European Regulation 2016/679
According to the Articles from 15 to 22 of European Regulation 2016/679, the person concerned has the right to obtain from the Holder the rectification, integration or cancellation (the so-called right to oblivion) of his/her personal data, the right to obtain the limitation of the treatment, the right to data portability, the right of opposition to the treatment of personal data, including the profiling and, in the end, the right to submit a complaint to the Privacy Authority.