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PTTB 2,5-PV - Double-level terminal block

Double-level terminal block, with equipotential bonder, nom. voltage: 500 V, nominal current: 22 A, connection method: Push-in connection, 1st and 2nd level, Rated cross section: 2.5 mm2, cross section: 0.14 mm2 - 4 mm2, mounting type: NS 35/7,5, NS35/15, color: gray
Product Code: 3210583
Partner cod.: 3210583

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Tecnichal data
Tecnichal data
Product propertiesProduct type: Multi-level terminal block
Area of application: Railway industry
Machine building
Plant engineering
Process industry
Number of connections: 4
Number of rows: 2
Potentials: 1
Insulation characteristics
Overvoltage category: III
Degree of pollution: 3
Electrical propertiesRated surge voltage: 6 kV
Maximum power dissipation for nominal condition: 0.77 W
Connection dataNumber of connections per level: 2
Nominal cross section: 2.5 mm²
Rated cross section AWG: 12
1st and 2nd level
Stripping length: 8 mm ... 10 mm
Internal cylindrical gage: A4
Connection in acc. with standard: IEC 60947-7-1
Conductor cross section rigid: 0.14 mm² ... 4 mm²
Cross section AWG: 26 ... 12 (converted acc. to IEC)
Conductor cross section flexible: 0.14 mm² ... 4 mm²
Conductor cross section, flexible [AWG]: 26 ... 12 (converted acc. to IEC)
Conductor cross-section flexible (ferrule without plastic sleeve): 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible conductor cross section (ferrule with plastic sleeve): 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
Conductor cross-section flexible (2 conductors with the same cross-section, with TWIN ferrule and plastic sleeve): 0.5 mm²
2 conductors with the same cross section, flexible, with TWIN ferrule with plastic sleeve: 0.5 mm²
Nominal current: 22 A (with 2.5 mm² conductor connection cross section)
Maximum load current: 26 A (with 4Âmm² conductor cross section, rigid)
Nominal voltage: 500 V
Nominal cross section: 2.5 mm²
1st and 2nd level Connection cross sections directly pluggable
Conductor cross section rigid: 0.34 mm² ... 4 mm²
Conductor cross-section flexible (ferrule without plastic sleeve): 0.34 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible conductor cross section (ferrule with plastic sleeve): 0.34 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
Ex dataRated data (ATEX/IECEx)
Identification: ïÃ‹œ IIÂ2ÂGÂÂEx eb IIC Gb
Operating temperature range: -60°C ... 110°C
Ex-certified accessories: 3211634 D-PTTB 2,5
3030747 ATP-STTB 4
1204517 SZF 1-0,6X3,5
3022276 CLIPFIX 35-5
3022218 CLIPFIX 35
List of bridges: Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 2-5Â/Â3030161
Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 3-5Â/Â3030174
Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 4-5Â/Â3030187
Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 5-5Â/Â3030190
Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 10-5Â/Â3030213
Plug-in bridgeÂ/ÂFBS 20-5Â/Â3030226
Bridge data: 16 AÂ/Â2.5 mm²
Ex temperature increase: 40 K (18ÂAÂ/Â2.5Âmm²)
Rated voltage: 440 V
for bridging with bridge: 440 V
- At bridging between non-adjacent terminal blocks: 352 V
- At cut-to-length bridging: 166 V
- At cut-to-length bridging with cover: 352 V
- At cut-to-length bridging with partition plate: 440 V
Rated insulation voltage: 400 V
output: (Permanent)
Ex level General
Rated current: 18 A
Maximum load current: 22 A
Ex connection data General
Nominal cross section: 2.5 mm²
Rated cross section AWG: 14
Connection capacity rigid: 0.14 mm² ... 4 mm²
Connection capacity AWG: 26 ... 12
26 ... 14
Connection capacity flexible: 0.14 mm² ... 2.5 mm²
output: (Permanent)
Ex level Level 1
Contact resistance: 1.2 mΩ
output: (Permanent)
Ex level Level 2
Contact resistance: 0.92 mΩ
DimensionsWidth: 5.2 mm
End cover width: 2.2 mm
Height: 68 mm
Depth: 45.8 mm
Depth on NSÂ35/7,5: 47.5 mm
Depth on NSÂ35/15: 55 mm
Material specificationsColor: gray
Flammability rating according to UL 94: V0
Insulating material group: I
Insulating material: PA
Static insulating material application in cold: -60°C
Temperature index of insulation material (DIN EN 60216-1 (VDE 0304-21)): 130°C
Relative insulation material temperature index (Elec., UL 746 B): 130°C
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R22: HL 1 - HL 3
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R23: HL 1 - HL 3
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R24: HL 1 - HL 3
Fire protection for rail vehicles (DIN EN 45545-2) R26: HL 1 - HL 3
Calorimetric heat release NFPA 130 (ASTM E 1354): 28 MJ/kg
Surface flammability NFPA 130 (ASTM E 162): passed
Specific optical density of smoke NFPA 130 (ASTM E 662): passed
Smoke gas toxicity NFPA 130 (SMP 800C): passed
Electrical testsSurge voltage test
Test voltage setpoint: 7.3 kV
Result: Test passed
Temperature-rise test
Requirement temperature-rise test: Increase in temperature ≤Â45ÂK
Result: Test passed
Short-time withstand current 2.5 mm²: 0.3 kA
Short-time withstand current 4 mm²: 0.48 kA
Power-frequency withstand voltage
Test voltage setpoint: 1.89 kV
Result: Test passed
Mechanical propertiesMechanical data
Open side panel: Yes
Mechanical testsMechanical strength
Result: Test passed
Attachment on the carrier
DIN rail/fixing support: NSÂ35
Test force setpoint: 1 N
Result: Test passed
Test for conductor damage and slackening
Rotation speed: 10Ârpm
Revolutions: 135
Conductor cross section/weight: 0.14 mm² / 0.2 kg
2.5 mm² / 0.7 kg
4 mm² / 0.9 kg
Result: Test passed
Environmental and real-life conditionsAging
Temperature cycles: 192
Result: Test passed
Needle-flame test
Time of exposure: 30 s
Result: Test passed
Oscillation/broadband noise
Specification: DINÂENÂ50155 (VDEÂ0115-200):2008-03
Spectrum: Service life test categoryÂ2, bogie-mounted
Frequency: f1 = 5 Hz to f2 = 250 Hz
ASD level: 6.12 (m/s²)²/Hz
Acceleration: 3.12g
Test duration per axis: 5 h
Test directions: X-, Y- and Z-axis
Result: Test passed
Specification: DINÂENÂ50155 (VDEÂ0115-200):2008-03
Pulse shape: Half-sine
Acceleration: 30g
Shock duration: 18Âms
Number of shocks per direction: 3
Test directions: X-, Y- and Z-axis (pos. and neg.)
Result: Test passed
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature (operation): -60°C ... 105°C (max. short-term operating temperature RTI Elec.)
Ambient temperature (storage/transport): -25°C ... 60°C (for a short time, not exceeding 24Âh, -60°C to +70°C)
Ambient temperature (assembly): -5°C ... 70°C
Ambient temperature (actuation): -5°C ... 70°C
Permissible humidity (storage/transport): 30 % ... 70 %
Standards and regulationsConnection in acc. with standard: IEC 60947-7-1
MountingMounting type: NS 35/7,5


















