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E-WML 5 (25X10)R - Wire-wrap label

Wire-wrap label, Roll, white, unlabeled, can be labeled with: THERMOMARK E.WRAP, THERMOMARK E.300 (D)/600 (D), mounting type: adhesive, cable diameter range: 3.2 ... 5.1 mm, Number of individual labels: 5800, text field height: 9.5 mm, text field width: 25.4 mm
Cod. Articolo: 1199660
Cod. Fornitore: 1199660

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Caratteristiche Tecniche
Caratteristiche Tecniche
Product propertiesProduct type: Conductor marking
Type: Label
Data management status
Article revision: 03
Number of individual labels: 5800
Number of individual labels per row: 1
Identification technology: Thermal transfer for rolls
DimensionsWidth: 25.4 mm
Text field width: 25.40 mm
Text field height: 9.50 mm
Length: 25.4 mm
Material specificationsFoil strength: 80 µm
Adhesive strength: 25 µm
Adhesive: Acrylic
Color: white (RAL 9010)
Material: PVC
Components: Silicone-free
Cable/lineExternal cable diameter: 5.10 mm
3.2 mm ... 5.1 mm
Environmental and real-life conditionsTest for substances that would hinder coating with paint or varnish
Result: Test passed
Scratch test for the determining scratch resistance
Specification: DIN EN ISO 1518-1:2019-10 (following)
Requirements: ≥ 5 N
Result: Test passed
Tesafilm test
Specification: DIN EN ISO 2409:2013 (following)
Result: Test passed
UV resistance
Specification: ISO 4892-2:2013-03 (following)
IEC 60068-2-2:2007-07
DIN EN 60068-2-30:2006-06 (following)
Result: Test passed
Test duration: 96 h
Duration: 96 h
Temperature for testing: 100 °C
40 °C
Relative humidity: 90 %
Wipe resistance of inscriptions
Specification: DIN EN 61010-1 (VDE 0411-01):2020-03
DIN EN 62208 (VDE 0660-511):2012-06 (in parts)
[CAS No. 67-63-0]: Test passed
[CAS No. 110-54-3]: Test passed
Water + Petroleum ether
[CAS No. 64742-82-1]: Test passed
Testing in a condensation changing climate in the presence of sulfur dioxide
Specification: ISO 22479:2019-05
Result: Test passed
Procedure: Method B
Cycles: 2
Salt spray test
Specification: DIN EN 60068-2-11:2000-02
Result: Test passed
Test duration: 96 h
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature (operation): -40 °C ... 80 °C
Ambient temperature (assembly): + 15 °C ... 35 °C
Recommended ambient temperature (storage/transport): 20 °C ... 25 °C
Recommended humidity (storage/transport): 40 % ... 50 % (Storage in a dry and dark place in the original packaging is recommended)
Shelf life: 2 years
Standards and regulationsWipe resistance: DIN EN 61010-1 (VDE 0411-1)
MountingMounting type: adhesive
E-WML 5 (25X10)R Etichetta avvolg. cavo