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PROFIBUS Multi-Slave or PROFIBUS Network Analyzer Gateway

Product Code: AN-X-PB
Partner cod.: AN-X-PB

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PROFIBUS Multi-Slave Features
Configures through a web browser (No special configuration software required)
Configuration option of 1 to 125 PROFIBUS slaves
Supports PROFIBUS Baud Rates of 9600 bps - 12 Mbps
PROFIBUS Network monitoring tool shows network traffic to and from a user specified node address
Ability to view configuration and diagnostics through a web browser enabling remote monitoring or troubleshooting
Supports sending up to 250 words of input data, and 248 words of output data on an I/O connection to an Allen-Bradley PLC
Supports Class 3 message instructions to move data to Allen-Bradley PLCs
Supports up to 16 Modbus TCP client connections
Supports Modbus Function Codes 2, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16
PROFIBUS Capture Features
Passively monitors all PROFIBUS packets sent across the network
Capture file can be configured to use a circular buffer, to capture data for a specific amount of time, or to stop capturing after a specified number of errors have occurred.
Filtering options include: Source Address, Destination Address, Frame Control Values, Detailed Status,
Frame Data, and Frame CheckSum which enables only the data specified to be logged and displayed
A filtering equation can be written to further limit the captured and displayed data
Customizable time format
Captured data can be saved for future use
Passively monitors all PROFIBUS packets sent across the network
The PROFIBUS Multi-Slave or PROFIBUS Network Analyzer Gateway has two distinct operational modes.The first mode, PROFIBUS Multi-Slave, enables the transfer of large amounts of data from a PROFIBUS DP Master controller to EtherNet/IP and/or Modbus TCP-enabled PLCs.The Multi-Slave functionality allows up to 15,250 words of Input and Output data to be transferred without requiring multiplexing PLC code to be written in a traditional single slave solution.The second mode, PROFIBUS Network Capture, facilitates the capture, logging, and filtering of packets on a PROFIBUS network without interrupting the running production network.This enables a root cause analysis to be performed on the captured PROFIBUS packets which aids in the identification of complex issue(s).